Big Strides for CIF Measuring and Reporting in 2014

Christine Röhrer
Climate Investment Funds (CIF)
Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist
Blog Date:

After a year and a half of hard work on creating user friendly monitoring and reporting toolkits, the fruits are beginning to show with all four CIF programs now able to use their toolkits to report FY14 results. It?s been a challenging but rewarding journey!

We started in November 2012 so that by July 2013, two monitoring and reporting toolkits for the Clean Technology Fund (CTF) and the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR) could be published. The toolkits were developed through participatory processes involving the five multilateral development banks (MDBs) that implement CIF programs. Inputs were also sought from the CIF pilot countries.

To ensure that these toolkits actually work, the CIF fielded a mission to Niger in August 2013, to test the PPCR toolkit. The results of the field test were very positive and helped refine the toolkit even further.

By October 2013, both the CTF and PPCR had successfully gone through their first rounds of monitoring and reporting. The CTF focused on cumulative results since the start of the program in 2009 while PPCR pilot countries reported on baselines and expected results.

More recently, we published the Scaling up Renewable Energy Program (SREP) toolkit, and are in the final stages of launching the Forest Investment Program (FIP) toolkit.

This is no small achievement. The CIF monitoring and reporting methodology has been positively cited in a number of studies and policy papers by organizations involved in climate finance such as the OECD, the German Development Cooperation (GIZ), and the Green Climate Fund (GCF). The CIF was also asked to participate in a number of events over the last year, including the Adaptation Committee meeting in Fiji, the Asia-Pacific Seminar on Climate Change in Vietnam, the German International Climate Initiative, and the American Evaluation Association Annual Conference. In summary, 2014 is a promising year for monitoring and reporting in the CIF. We expect that by the end of July 2014 all four CIF programs will have reported their results data to the CIF. They will then be analyzed, aggregated, synthesized, and shared at the next Trust Fund Committee Meetings in November 2014. This will be the first time that the Trust Fund Committees receive results reported from all the CIF programs.

This article was original published on the website of the Climate Investment Funds