News & Events related to the GEF Independent Evaluation Office (IEO)
News & Events
IDEAS 2025 Conference
The IDEAS 2025 Conference is jointly organized with New Development Bank /IEO, titled “Multi-dimensional Evaluation for Influence and Transformation” and will take place in Rome from 4 to 6 March 2025.
Global Declaration on Evaluation for Transformational Change - Public comments
The Prague Declaration on Evaluation for Transformational Change was unanimously adopted on 4 October 2019 by the assembled participants of the Conference on Evaluation for Tran
Book Launch: Environmental Evaluation and Global Development Institutions: A Case Study on the GEF
Book Launch for Evaluation in Fragility, Conflict and Violence
The International Development Evaluation Association (IDEAs) released a book on Evaluation in the Contexts of Fragility, Conflict and Violence which provides guidance from global evaluation practitioners from various organizations and regions.
Environmental Peacebuilding Survey
The Environmental Peacebuilding Association, the Environmental Law Institute, and the United Nations Environment Programme are collaborating on a project with the United States Institute for Peace to improve the monitoring and evaluation of environmental peacebuilding.
Webinar on Learning from GEF Support in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations
Join the webinar on Learning from GEF Support in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations organized by the Environment, Fragility, and Conflict Community of Practice of the World Bank.
2nd Edition of Evaluating Environment in International Development
The 2nd Edition of Evaluating Environment in International Development provides novel and in-depth perspectives on evaluating environment and sustainability issues in developing countries.Â
African Development Bank to host virtual Development Evaluation Week (Postponed)
IDEV of AfDB will hold a virtual discussion on transformational change through learning. The event is originally scheduled for 2-4 September but will be postponed to a later date.
The virtual dicussion will be focused on:
Preparing Evaluation of the Future: Big Data, Modern Technologies, and Shifts in Global Development Priorities
The Independent Development Evaluation of the African Development Bank publishes a quarterly magazine eVALUation Matters on a variety of topics related to evaluation and development issues. The most recent issue discusses big data, modern technologies and shifts in global development priorities.