How can we Help Policy Makers Make Sense of Climate Change Evaluation Studies?

David Akana
African Development bank (AfDB)
Senior KM and Communication Specialist
Blog Date:

At various levels of Governments in the world, policy makers and those in decision-making positions are recieving evaluation reports regularly. While the methodology, conclusions and recommendations of some of the studies are clear and straight to the point, it is not the case for others.

"Policy makers have trouble evaluating whether the studies that passed their desk were sensible or not," explains Dr Lykke Andersen, lead researcher with the Bolivian-based Institute for Advanced Development Studies (INESAD).

Following an initiative of the Community of ANDEAN nations and with the financial support of the World Bank, government officials of three ANDEAN states (Bolivia, Peru and, Ecuador) received lessons on a ten-step guide of climate change impact evaluation.

This training was motivated by the a recognition within the Community of Andean nations that instead of contracting more climate change impact studies, ?they (CAN) needed training in the design and evaluation of such studies,? said Dr Lykke in an interview granted Development Roast.

"So instead of spending US$75,000 on contracting yet another study, they decided to instead spend the money on training 75 government officials in methodologies to carry out such studies," explained Dr Lykke.

Wise move or not? Please feel free to share your thoughts, comments and opinion.

Click HERE for the full article thanks to Development Roast