Using video to communicate evaluation results

Glenn Oneil
Blog Date:

As part of a mid-term evaluation for the Africa Climate Change Resilience Alliance project (ACCRA), we faced challenges in communicating the evaluation findings around this very interesting project that focuses on influencing the policies and approaches of governments and development agencies in responding to climate change.

With the agreement of the project, we, the evaluation team produced a brief multimedia clip to communicate the findings of our evaluation as a response to these challenges.

In creating the multimedia clip, some of the challenges we faced included:

  1. Having permission to film all the relevant stakeholders
  2. Explaining to stakeholders how filming fits within the evaluation process
  3. Editing the information down to a reasonable size for a multimedia clip (under 10 minutes)
  4. Maintaining the same quality of images and sound

Ultimately, the multmedia clip explains well the evaluation findings and conveys a lot of information in under 10 minutes - perhaps too much!

The clip has been used by ACCRA in workshops with stakeholders to explain the impact of the project to date - with currently some 100 views on Youtube, we are guessing that's more than many written evaluation reports have ever seen!