Adaptation I: Solving the Climate Change Adaptation Evaluation Challenge: Methodological Advances (Part I)


Adaptation I
Solving the Climate Change Adaptation Evaluation Challenge: Methodological Advances (Part I)

Session Chair: Anna Viggh, Senior Evaluation Office, GEF IEO


  • Dennis Bours and Punjanit Leagnavar - Climate-Eval Latest Study on Climate Change Adaptation Indicators
  • Timo Leiter, GIZ - The M&E navigator: A systematic mapping and decision support tool of approaches and methods for M&E of Adaptation
  • Paula Silva Villanueva, Director, Reslience Monitor - Adaptive Capacity: a unifying concept for measuring progress in climate change adaptation?
  • Karl Schultz, Executive Chairman, Climate Adaptation Works - Towards a more universal M&E metric for climate adaptation projects: the Vulnerability Reduction Credit