Adaptation V: Disaster Risks Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation Evaluation


Adaptation V
Disaster Risks Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation Evaluation

Session Chair: Dennis Peter Bours, GEF IEO


  • Lourdes Alvarez, Evaluation consultant, Inter-American Development Bank - Disaster risk reduction and climate change in Latin America and the Caribbean: the IDB experience
  • Krishna Malakar, Indian Institute of Technology - Assessing socio-economic vulnerability to climate hazards: A city-level index based approach
  • Selim Reza, Monitoring & Evaluation Officer, Muslim Aid UK Bangladesh Field Office - Enhancing Resilience (ER) To Disaster and the Effects of Climate Change Projects
  • James Kakooza, Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor - Indigenous Early Warning System (IEWS) as an Evaluation Methodology for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and Adaptation in Uganda

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