Mitigation I: Evaluation of Clean Energy Technologies Projects


Mitigation I
Evaluation of Clean Energy Technologies Projects

Session Chair: Christine Roehrer, Senior Monitoring & Evaluation Specialist, Climate Investment Funds


  • Maria Paula Mendieta, Research Fellow, Inter-American Development Bank - Killing two birds with one stone. Strengthening energy policy while reducing emissions - The IDB Experience
  • Jasmine Hyman, PhD Candidate, Yale University School of Forestry & Environmental Studies - "Charismatic carbon" interventions under the CDM: When does clean energy lead to local development?
  • Gregory Simon, Assistant Professor, University of Colorado Denver - IF You Can’t Stand the Heat, Get into the Kitchen: Household-Scale Carbon Reductions at the Climate-Development Interface
  • Sreenivas Chigullapalli, Research Scholar, Indian Institute of Technology - Assessment of Carbon Mitigation Potential of Biogas Technology in India