Special Coverage of COP19 in Warsaw

David Akana
African Development bank (AfDB)
Senior KM and Communication Specialist
Blog Date:
  • An emotional opening statement from the lead negotiator of the Philippines
  • Full statement of Executive Secretary of UNFCCC
  • Conference expected to make progress on GHG emissions reduction, funding for adaptation, Green Climate Fund, and concrete steps to reach target of $100 billion by 2020 in climate funding
  • Sessions of interest to evaluators of climate change and natural resources management

"A new universal climate agreement is within our reach" UNFCCC Executive Secretary, Christiana Figueres at the opening of COP19 in Warsaw, Monday Nov 19, 2013.

Speaking at the Warsaw national stadium, the UNFCCC Executive Secretary explained that the world is ready for action on climate change.unfccc executive secretary at opening ceremony ?There is a groundswell of climate action --not only for environmental reasons, but also for security, energy, economic and governance reasons. Political will and public support favor action now? she said.opening ceremony of cop19 at warsaw national stadiumTo view a compilation of the opening ceremony Click on the following link:

ipcc head at opening ceremonyAs expected the opening ceremony was marked by three minutes of silence in honor of victims of Typhoon Haiyan which killed hundreds of people in the Philippines over the week.
out-going and in-coming COP president and other cop officialsIn an emotional speech, the Lead Negotiator of the Philippines to the conference, Yeb Sano called on the world to take immediate action to reverse the effects of climate change.

"What my country is going through as a result of this extreme climate event is madness. We can stop this madness. Right here in Warsaw" Yeb declared at the opening ceremony.