Climate Finance Monitoring and Evaluation: Scaling-up Knowledge and Learning through On-Line Approaches

Pablo Benitez
World Bank Group (WBG)
Senior Economist
Blog Date:

Hello, my name is Pablo Benitez and I am sharing with you a blog about my forthcoming presentation on Climate Finance M&E, which will be part of the 2nd International Conference on Evaluating Climate Change and Development. I hope that the members of this community will enjoy reading it, and am looking forward to getting any feedback you may have.

While discussions about the Green Climate Fund advance, there are increasing needs to support climate finance 'readiness' programs in developing countries. With pledges to the Green Climate Fund (GCF) slowly coming along [$2.3 billon now, aiming an initial $10 billion target], discussions on direct access continue to gain momentum. Sometime soon, we should receive more guidance from the GCF Board on how a wide range of institutions (e.g. development banks, ministries, others) can become 'accredited' to access the Fund's resources for climate adaptation and mitigation.

The World Bank Group, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and other development partners have pioneered approaches that help countries to become 'ready' to plan for, access, deliver, and monitor climate finance in a transformative way. An increasingly important element of a climate readiness framework is Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) and how to build the necessary national capacities to monitor and evaluate climate finance. How can the development community accelerate this learning process? Tight training budgets and time constraints preclude travel to a central location for high quality, hands-on learning. As an alternative, development partners are moving towards a virtual learning classroom to provide convenient, easy, and reliable access to cutting edge knowledge and communities of practice on climate finance monitoring and evaluation. During the Climate-Eval Conference, I will introduce the core elements of an innovative on-line training program on climate finance M&E, discuss target groups, contents and next steps with the audience.

Part of the success of on-line training approaches is the inclusion of a diversity of M&E case studies. Can members of the community share their experiences and lessons learned from recent M&E climate mitigation initiatives?

This work is part of a joint initiative between the World Bank Group (through the CF-Assist Program), the Climate Investment Funds and the United Nations Development Program.

Climate Finance Monitoring and Evaluation

This work is part of a joint initiative between the World Bank Group (through the CF-Assist Program), the Climate Investment Funds and the United Nations Development Program.