Objeto da Avaliação ex-post (Ex-Post-Evaluierung) é o Projeto apoiado pela GTZ Uso Eficiente de Energia em Pequenas e Médias Empresas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro ("Energieeinsparung in Klein- und Mittelindustrie im Bundesstaat Rio de Janeiro").
Uso Eficiente de Energia em Pequenas eMédias Empresas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Energy Efficient Project
This project was designed to support an Energy Efficiency Program in Brazil. The global environmental objective of the project was to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by increasing the efficiency of energy supply and use in Brazil using a market-based approach.
Centrais Eletricas Brasileiras S.A. (ELECTROBRAS) For An Energy Efficiency Project
The project development objective was to improve efficiency in the supply and use of energy in Brazil, with a focus on electric energy.
Biomass Power Generation: Sugar Cane Bagasse and Trash
The WBP (woody biomass power) project called for building and operating a commercial-scale BIG/GT (biomass-gasifier/gas turbine) power plant in Northeast Brazil using plantation-grown wood as fuel.
Cooperative evaluation of the Smithsonian Institution's activities under the USAID/Brazil global climate change program
The BDFFP, managed by the National Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution, has been under way for 15 years with the purpose of studying the effect of the size of forest fragments on biological diversity.
Cooperative evaluation of Woods Hole Research Center activities under the USAID/Brazil global climate change program
The Woods Hole Research Center has received an allocation of US$1,322,581 in order to develop natural resource management tools for an emerging network of forestmargin farm communities and to expand and strengthen a network of Amazonia-based scientists trained in ecology and interested in interve
Cooperative evaluation of Environmental Protection Agency activities under the USAID/Brazil global climate change program
The need for environmental impact assessment (EIA) is stipulated by Brazilian environmental legislation.
Grant to World Wildlife Fund (an element of AID/Brazil global climate change program - GCC)
WWF and USAID have set out to address an extraordinarily challenging --and important --set of issues in the E/GCC initiative.