Member for
6 years
Stephen Porter
Job Title
Director: Learning, Effectivenesss and Accoutability Departm
Stephen Porter is currently the Director for the Learning, Effectiveness and Accountability Department at Oxfam America and advises Oxfam Great Britain on their learning and impact evaluation function. Stephen has a range of experience in development practice, including academic, donor and experience applying a rights-based approach to evaluation. Previously, Stephen was Evaluation Advisor for Market Development at the UK Department for International Development. He has also served as a monitoring, evaluation and learning advisor for the Regional AIDS Initiative of Southern Africa, and the African Medical and Research Foundation. In 2010 Stephen assumed the role of Lecturer in Monitoring and Evaluation and Director of the Center for Learning on Evaluation and Results for Anglophone Africa at the University of Witwatersrand. He holds an MPhil in Public Policy from the University of Cape Town. Stephen has had a number of journal and book chapters published on the topic of evaluation systems development. Stephen has worked in South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi, Mozambique, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Ghana and Benin, as well as advising on evaluation activities in a number of other countries.