Peixuan Zhou

Member for

4 years 10 months
Peixuan Zhou
Peixuan Zhou
GEF Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO)
Job Title
Evaluation Analyst
Peixuan is an Evaluation Analyst in the GEF Independent Evaluation Office. She has worked on Evaluation of Multiple Benefits of GEF Support, Evaluation of GEF support to Scaling up Impact, An Evaluative Approach to Assessing GEF’s Additionality, and The GEF Evaluation Policy (2019). She is currently reviewing GEF’s experience in promoting sustainable fisheries management.
Previously she worked at the World Resources Institute (WRI) in Water Quality Program and at the World Wildlife Fund (WWF-US) in Market Transformation Initiative. In addition, Peixuan worked at Bank of China focusing on performance evaluation.
Peixuan holds a Master in Public Policy from University of Maryland and a Master of Arts in Public Management from Tsinghua University in China.