Blog Posts

Blog Posts

Blog Posts

We collect knowledge-rich blogs from evaluators and persons both within and without our community. These blogs offer writers the opportunity to narrate in less formal writing styles their personal evaluation experiences, capture evaluation findings in easy-to-understand ways while engaging the community with other relevant knowledge.


Displaying 179 Blogs

Strengthening the Value of Evaluation in Energy Programs and Policies

Edward Vine
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Blog Date:

Energy efficiency has the capability to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Provisions to tap this resource must be central to climate policy to get the needed reductions, and to get them as quickly and cheaply as possible.

Averting a 'train wreck' - Taking stock of environmental consequences of development interventions

Suppiramaniam Nanthikesan
Lead Evaluation Officer
Blog Date:

Summary: IFAD was one of the pioneers in the UN system to recognize the need to evaluate the intended and unintended environmental consequences of development interventions.

Mainstreaming the environment into evaluations - can we walk the talk?

Johannes Dobinger
UNIDO Independent Evaluation Division
Blog Date:

A lot has been said about the importance of the environmental dimension in evaluations.

Integrating Environmental and Social Impact into Evaluations

Juha I. Uitto
GEF Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO)
David Todd
Blog Date:

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the attendant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) all recognize the close interlinkages of the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainability.

Piloting Post-Completion: How do you measure real sustainability?

Molly Sohn
Evaluation Analyst
Blog Date:

Project sustainability- the continuation of benefits after project support has ended- receives a lot of attention in the GEF partnership, and rightly so. Creating lasting benefits is the ultimate goal of development work, and a higher bar to reach than delivering on planned project outcomes.

Integrating Geospatial Methods into Evaluations Opportunities and Lessons

Anupam Anand
GEF Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO)
Evaluation Officer
Hur Hassnain
European Commission, DEVCO/ESS
Senior Evaluation Advisor
Blog Date:

The presentation titled Geospatial

Mitigating the risks of remote data collection for evaluations

Hur Hassnain
European Commission, DEVCO/ESS
Senior Evaluation Advisor
Blog Date:

Within the research and evaluation world, the use of remote data collection, especially with the use of ICTs, has become increasingly prevalent.

Evaluation from space - Evaluations during difficult times

Anupam Anand
GEF Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO)
Evaluation Officer
Hur Hassnain
European Commission, DEVCO/ESS
Senior Evaluation Advisor
Blog Date:

Blog co-author: Hur Hassnain, Senior Evaluation Advisor, European Commission DEVCO/EES

Towards evaluation for a sustainable and just future

Juha I. Uitto
GEF Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO)
Blog Date:

Over the past eight months, the novel coronavirus pandemic has infected some 20 million people and killed more than 700,000, sparing virtually no country. The economic and social consequences have been devastating. The virus SARS-CoV-2 that caused COVID-19 crossed over from its non-human host, probably a bat, directly or more likely through an intermediate host like a pangolin, to a human in or around the city of Wuhan in China in late 2019. The exact transmission mechanism is still not known but the root causes are clear.

Safeguarding People and the Environment Against Infectious Waste During Health Crises

Peixuan Zhou
GEF Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO)
Evaluation Analyst
Blog Date:

GEF’s support to countries is critical in promoting and implementing environmentally sound practices for medical waste treatment during health crises.