World Bank

China, Sichuan - Gas Development and Conservation Project

This report evaluates the Sichuan Gas Development and Conservation Project which was financed with an IBRD loan and a GEF grant with the aim of supporting the restructuring of the oil and gas sector in the People's Republic of China between 1994 - 2003.  More specifically the project was designe

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Renewable Resources Development Project

The Renewable Resources Development Project objectives are to promote commercialization of renewable energy technologies by strengthening the capacity of the Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA) to promote and finance entrepreneurial investments in alternate energy; create marketing

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Energy Efficiency Project

This report evaluates the Gas Distribution Rehabilitation and Energy Efficiency Project, financed by a loan worth US$106.5 million from the World Bank, which aimed to increase the efficiency of energy use in slected regions of Russia, to improve the efficiency and safety of gas distribution, and

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Mali Household Energy Project

One of the most important causes of Mali's serious environmental problems has been over-exploitation and indiscriminate destruction of its forest resources. As in most Sahelian countries, fuelwood and charcoal meet 90 percent of the domestic energy needs of the country.

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Colombo Urban Transport Project

The Third Roads Project aimed to improve the operation of existing roadways around Colombo, and in the south and west of the country through support for road rehabilitation and improved planning and oversight. No new roads were built.

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China, Zhejiang - Tianhuangping Hydroelectric Project

The project objectives are to alleviate an acute shortage of peaking power and enable more efficient use of power plants in a predominantly coal-fired thermal power system by transferning off-peak energy to peak with construction of the cost-effective and environmentally sound Tianhuangping pumpe

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Energy Efficiency/Housing Pilot Project

The objectives of the Lithuania Energy Efficiency/Housing Pilot Project (EEHPP) were to support private initiative in improving residential energy efficiency; support public initiative in improving energy efficiency in schools; and support housing privatization policies and enable increased priva

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Czech Republic: Kyjov Waste Heat Utilization Project

Reduce Emissions of GHG, notably CO2, by increasing the efficiency and reliability of heat and power supply to the city of Kyjov and to a local glass factory (Vetropak Moravia Glas s.a.

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Katowice Heat Supply and Conservation Project

This report evaluates the Katowice Heat Supply and Conservation Project financed by a US$45 million loan from the World Bank to PEC Katowice, Poland. The project's aims were to:
enhance energy conservation and efficiency in the district heating sector;

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Argentina and Paraguay - Yacyreta Hydroelectric Project (02)

Yacyreta hydroelectric scheme is a joint venture between Argentina and Paraguay on the Parand River started in 1973, and implemented by an autonomous agency, Entidad Binacional Yacyreta (EBY) under the Yacyreta Treaty.

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