World Bank

Gas Investment Project

This evaluation assesses a Gas Investment Project in Egypt supported by the World Bank. The project involved the following components:

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Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) Phaseout Project

The principal objective of the Project was to assist Slovenia in the cost-effective phaseout of ODS consumption as mandated by the Montreal Protocol (the Protocol) and its amendments and adjustments.

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High Efficiency Lighting Project

The project objectives were to demonstrate the technical and financial feasibility of reducing emissions of greenhouse gases and simultaneously reduce local environmental contamination through the widespread installation of high efficiency lighting; build institutional capacity for technological

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Phaseout of Ozone Depleting Substances Project - GEF

The principal objective of the Project was to assist the Czech Republic in the costeffective phaseout of ODS production and consumption by 1996, as mandated by the Montreal Protocol.

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Geothermal Development and Energy Preinvestment Project

The objectives of the project were: to assist Kenya in preparing an expansion of its electric generating capacity at least cost through utilization of indigenous energy resources.

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Hydroelectric Development Project

The project objectives were to assist the sector in: promoting the efficient use of electricity through realistic pricing policies, energy conservation and improvement of sector operations; diversifying the sources of power generation and reducing the participation of oilbased generation; strengt

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Ertan Hydroelectric Project

The Ertan Hydroelectric Scheme is located on the lower reaches of the Yalong River in the southwestern province of Sichuan.

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