Nepal signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change on 12 June 1992; it was ratified on 2 May 1994 and entered into force on 31 July 1994.
Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Initial National Communications Related to the UNFCCC - Nepal
Enabling Activities for the preparation of Initial National Communications Related to the UNFCCC - South Africa
In 1994, the year of the democratic elections, South Africa set up a National Climate Change Committee as an advisory body to the Minister of Environmental Affairs and Tourism to guide the Government on issues of climate change, at both international and national levels.
Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Initial National Communications Related to the UNFCCC - Bangladesh
Bangladesh is a developing country in south Asia with an area of 147, 570 square kilometres and a population of 123.1 million (2001 census). The physical environment of Bangladesh is diverse.
Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Initial National Communications Related to the UNFCCC - Kenya
This evaluation aims at reviewing the aforementioned project, which is designed to help Kenya in meeting its commitments under the UNFCCC.
Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Initial National Communications Related to the UNFCCC - Pakistan
The present evaluation examined and assessed the activities carried out by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Government of Pakistan (Ministry of Environment) under the UNEP subproject entitled Pakistan: enabling activities for the preparation of initial national communicatio
Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Initial National Communications Related to the UNFCCC - Comoros
The project activities included, first, development of the national greenhouse gas inventory and, second, assessment of the vulnerability of certain sectors.
Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Initial National Communications Related to the UNFCCC - Viet Nam
The objective of the project was to assist Viet Nam to prepare the Initial National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention Climate Change.
Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Initial National Communications Related to the UNFCCC - Central African Republic
From its start-up in late 1997, the project experienced frequent ups and downs due to the political instability experienced by the country in 1996, 1997, May 2001 and September 2001. The project has implemented nine activities. The actual results correspond roughly to the planned outcomes.