Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Initial National Communications Related to the UNFCCC - Djibouti

The project was funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) to assist Djibouti in undertaking the following activities: to develop the greenhouse gas inventory based on the 1994 base year; to identify and assess mitigation options; to develop a comprehensive vulnerability assessment for vario

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Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Initial National Communications Related to the UNFCCC - Haiti

This enabling activity project has assisted Haiti in meeting its commitment to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change process by preparing and submitting its first national communication.

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Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Initial National Communications Related to the UNFCCC - Mongolia

The project commenced in November 1998 and was originally planned to be completed in two years. However, it had to be extended by one year owing to late start-up and constraints related to weak initial capacities and institutional development.

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Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Initial National Communications Related to the UNFCCC - Niue

This evaluation of the Niue UNEP/GEF project is part of the comprehensive review of climate change enabling activities funded by UNEP/GEF. The scope of the evaluation covers the activities undertaken by UNEP to implement the project on preparation of initial national communications.

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Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Initial National Communications Related to the UNFCCC - Mauritania

The project evaluated has been implemented internally by the UNEP Task Manager for Climate Change Enabling Activities, currently located in the Division of Policy Development and Law and externally by the Directorate of Environment and Rural Infrastructure at the Ministry of Rural Development and

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Enabling activities for the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) - Lesotho

The objective of this Convention is to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous human-induced interference with the climate system.

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Enabling Activities for the Implementation of the UN Framework Convention on CC

The present evaluation covers the activities the Government of Cameroon undertook to execute the project: Preparation of initial national communications related to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC).

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Enabling Activities for the preparation of Initial National Communications Related to the UNFCCC - Tanzania

The United Republic of Tanzania has demonstrated keen interest in contributing to global reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by participating actively in many climate change activities.

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Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Initial National Communications Related to the UNFCCC - Mauritius

The evaluation begins by looking at Mauritius' early interest in environmental issues such as the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm.

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