Blog Posts

Blog Posts

Blog Posts

We collect knowledge-rich blogs from evaluators and persons both within and without our community. These blogs offer writers the opportunity to narrate in less formal writing styles their personal evaluation experiences, capture evaluation findings in easy-to-understand ways while engaging the community with other relevant knowledge.


Displaying 179 Blogs

Evaluating Environmental Interventions in the Yellow Sea during the Pandemic

Geeta Batra
GEF Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO)
Chief Evaluation Officer
Gabriel Sidman
GEF Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO)
Evaluation Officer
Blog Date:


When Life Gives You Lemons…or a Pandemic - Finding Opportunity in Disaster

Jeneen Reyes Garcia
GEF Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO)
Evaluation Officer
Blog Date:

Not in a hundred years has the world been hit by a pandemic this deadly.

Evaluation must rise to the challenge of pandemic in the nexus of nature and humanity

Juha I. Uitto
GEF Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO)
Blog Date:

When you first hear the phrase "environmental peacebuilding," you may think that these two words are not directly linked. Think again. Many conflicts around the world affect and are affected by, at least indirectly, the environment and natural resources.

Programs combating Illegal Wildlife Trade are instrumental in controlling and preventing pandemics

Anupam Anand
GEF Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO)
Evaluation Officer
Geeta Batra
GEF Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO)
Chief Evaluation Officer
Blog Date:

The current COVID-19 pandemic is a zoonosis- a disease or infection that is naturally transmissible from animals to humans and can be caused by viruses, bacteria, parasites, or unconventional agents.

Evaluating the Impact of Environmental Interventions during a Global Quarantine

Geeta Batra
GEF Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO)
Chief Evaluation Officer
Dan Runfola
Heather Baier
Blog Date:


Evaluating Environmental Peacebuilding: Difficult but Necessary

Amanda Woomer
Habitat for Humanity International
Associate Director, MEAL
Juha I. Uitto
GEF Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO)
Blog Date:

When you first hear the phrase "environmental peacebuilding," you may think that these two words are not directly linked. Think again. Many conflicts around the world affect and are affected by, at least indirectly, the environment and natural resources.

The Prague Global Assembly 2019 from the perspective of the Climate Change ITIG

Karolin Koelling
Arepo Consult Germany
Project assistant
Blog Date:

Conferences are a wonderful event for professionals and working groups. There is time to network, up-date on the newest trends in various fields of expertice, discuss and exchange. New inspiration and motivation is found and spread.

Learning, networking, sharing all in one place: the wonders of Communities of Practice

Renata Mirulla
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
EvalForward Community of Practice facilitator
Blog Date:

The communities of practice Earth-Eval (hosted by the GEF Independent Evaluation Office) and EvalForward (hosted by the evaluation offices of FAO, IFAD and WFP) presented at the 2019 IDEAS Global Assembly and Thir

Are We Bigger Yet? A Behavioral Approach to Assessing Scaling-Up

Jeneen Reyes Garcia
GEF Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO)
Evaluation Officer
Blog Date:

As program designers and implementers, how do we make sure our intervention will scale up? As program evaluators, how do we know if something is going to scale up?

UNDP Evaluation to support the “leaving no one behind” agenda: insights from the UNDP NEC Conference 2019

Serdar Bayryyev
FAO Office of Evaluation (OED)
Senior Evaluation Officer
Renata Mirulla
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
EvalForward Community of Practice facilitator
Blog Date:

This blog was originally published on the Evalforward website by Serdar Bayryyev, Senior Evaluation Officer, FAO; and Rena